Thursday, May 19, 2011

Trying Something New

A few months ago, a woman at Discovery told me about a friend of hers who asked her some questions about the Bible and God. He knew she was active in a church and thought she might be able to answer his questions. She called me and said, “I didn’t know what to tell him, Julie. I didn’t want to tell him the wrong thing.” I told her to invite him to worship or Wednesday night small groups so I could meet him. “He won’t come to church. He said he would burn up if he walked in the doors of a church.” I said, “Tell him we have air conditioning, so he’ll be fine.” She reported back that her friend liked my sense of humor, but that he still wouldn’t agree to come to the church building.

I have been thinking about this guy a lot. Although I know that we have to go outside the church to reach people, he made me see this truth in a new way. So I have been praying and trying to figure out how I can create an opportunity to meet and talk with people like him, people who have questions about Christianity, but won’t step foot inside a church building—not even for Alpha and other such programs.

Pastor Chick-Chat is what I came up with. I have published post-card size flyers and will be posting information in our church’s announcements about an opportunity for people like this man to come to a neutral site and ask their questions. Beginning this June, I will be at local restaurants (Cantina! in Patton Creek this month) two nights each month (June 9th and June 30th starting at 5:30pm). Anyone who wants to come eat or have a drink and hang out is welcome to come. My hope is that this setting will allow people to feel comfortable being themselves and have honest conversations about Christianity and whatever else is on their minds. I don’t know for sure that this will be an effective way to share God’s love with people, but it certainly gets me closer to it than waiting for people to come to the church building.


  1. We used to do this in Indiana with college students and faculty, Julie, but we called it "Theology on Tap." You can't do that in Alabama. This is a great idea...

  2. Sent to my two girls. Heck, I might even come. I am a chick at heart.

  3. Everyone--chick or not--is invited to come! Tonight is the first night. See you at Cantina!

  4. This sounds awesome. Prayers going up for you and those who meet with you this evening. Would like to know how it goes.
    Linda Ketchie
    Triplett UMC
